Igor Vishnya
I am European
In arts, there exists only one basis of interest for me. The pictures have to be
charged with positive emotional energy. This means, they have to contribute to
the augmentation of good in our world.
For me, there is no creative process in art that is limited by some specific
culture or religion.
The most important for me is to understand values common too all humankind.
In general, I think that I belong to the European culture wich consists of four
main cultures: Roman, German, Russian and Semitic.
If someone asks me, what nationality I am, I would answer:
"I am European."
| Still life with a Straw Frog, 1999, 70õ50 Oil on canvas, Cycle City. Color. Image. | |
| The Bouquet in Straw basket., 1999, 60õ80 Oil on canvas, Cycle City. Color. Image. | |
| Still Life with dry flowers and pumpkin, 1999, 76õ50 Oil on canvas, Cycle City. Color. Image. | |
| Sisters, 1996, 110õ120 Oil on canvas, Cycle Italy Carnival. | |
| Bamberg, 1999, 50õ70, Oil on canvas, Cycle City. Color. Image. | |
| Surbaraniya country, 1996, 64õ84 Oil on canvas | |
| City of Parti-colored Houses Cycle City, 1999, 70õ50 Oil on canvas, Cycle City. Color. Image. | |
| The boy with horses, 1984, 64õ36 MDF, oil. | |
| The Old Germany, 1999, 70õ100, Oil on canvas, Cycle City. Color. Image. | |
| Wedding, 2000, 95õ95 Lamb parchment, acryl, china ink. Jewish Holidays Cycle. | |
| Shabath, 2000, 95õ85 Lamb parchment, acryl, china ink. Jewish Holidays Cycle. | |
| Funeral, 2000, 95õ85 Lamb parchment, acryl, china ink. Jewish Holidays Cycle. | |
| Corset, 1998, 40õ30 Paper, mixed technique. Theatre of All Times and People Cycle | |
| Egg of a Prophet, 1998, 40õ30 Paper, mixed technique. Theatre of All Times and People Cycle | |
| Heart of a Monk, 1998, 40õ30 Paper, mixed technique. Theatre of All Times and People Cycle | |
| Jew from Nuremberg, 1998, 40õ30 Paper, mixed technique. Theatre of Jewish Costume Cycle | |
| Hassis's Far-tale, 1997, 40õ30 Paper, mixed technique. Theatre of Jewish Costume Cycle | |
| David and Goliath, 1998, 40õ30 Paper, mixed technique. Bible's Characters Cycle | |
| King of Judea, 1999, 64õ45 Paper, mixed technique. Bible's Characters Cycle. | |
| Young Jesus in a Temple, 70õ50 Paper, mixed technique. Bible's Characters Cycle. | |
| Sarah and Abraham, 1999, 64õ45 Paper, mixed technique. Bible's Characters Cycle. | |
| Ascetic Theatre, 1998, 40õ60 Paper, mixed technique. Theatre of All Times and People Cycle | |
| Tut-tut-tut, 1998, 40õ60 Paper, mixed technique. Theatre of Jewish Costume Cycle. | |
| Spanish Curtsey, 1998, 40õ60 Paper, mixed technique. Theatre of All Times and People Cycle | |
| Gothic Theatre, 1998, 40õ60 Paper, mixed technique. Theatre of All Times and People Cycle | |
| Struggle of Jacob with an Angel. Jacob receives name Israel, 100õ140 Oil on canvas, Bible's Characters Cycle | |
| Judah's Kiss, 1999, 100õ140 Oil on canvas, Bible's Characters Cycle. | |