Elena Azernaya

Elena Pavlovna Azyornaia
Member, Artists Union of Russia
Artist, Graphic
In her art the artist adheres to the symbolist
concept. The graphic pieces are decorative, entertaining, and laconic. The
distinct characteristics are symbolism, the artist’s effort to think over and
to reveal the nature of the symbol. The paintings are deeper in content, more
serious, and do better reflect the inner world of the artist. Photos do
supplement and develop artist’s creative concept of paintings and graphical
works. In general the works are forming the independent series, each one
including paintings, graphics and photo works.
There are the following series: “Tassilin -
Adger” – the artist’s remake of the paleolith age African rock carvings.
“Paganism” - appeal to the spiritual life of the pre-Christian Russia.
“Dreams” - mythological subjects. “Still Life”, “Portrait ”, “Landscape”,
etc. The author is an active participant of the exhibitions in Russia and abroad.
The artworks were purchased by the museums, galleries, and by private
1966 – birth year:
1989 – graduated Ural Architectural Institute, Department of Architecture;
1999 – graduated Ural State University, Department of Arts;
Since 1989 – working in the areas of advertising, interior design, and free
Personal Exhibitions
1992 – “Helen” picture gallery, Saint-Petersburg
1993 - House of Art Workers; Ekaterinburg
1996 – Picture Gallery, Krasnovishersk:
1999 – Center Artists House on Crymski Val Street, Moscow,
1999 – “Capital” Picture Gallery, Ekaterinburg.