Valery Popov
Valery Ivanovich Popov has started to photograph before
his service in Armed Forces. His photographic career began from assistance in a
photo-studio in Asbestos town. Later he took part in different photographic competitions
where he was awarded diplomas and premiums. In 1985 he received a degree of "Master
of Highest Grade". From 1999 a member of Photoartists' Union of Russia. Valery
Popov is known as skilled master of landscapes and "nu". |
| Lessons of light-drawing. | |
| Still life with pomegranates. | |
| Poem of avangarder. Asbestos paintor S.N. Parfenuk. | |
"Express" Photocenter
2, Mira str., Asbestos, Sverdlovsk region, 624060, Russia
Phone (34365) 1-82-49.