Masha Vedernikova
Masha Vedernikova.
Born in Ekaterinburg. Received the all-round education (including conservatory,
polytechnic Institute, and University). From 1994 is seriously engaged in the clothes
modeling. From 1997she was trained at the Popi Moreni Fashion House, Paris. From 1994
eighteen collections of costumes were created (55-122 costumes in every collection). Two
costume expositions were performed in the Ural Museum of Regional Studies, the costumes
were designed for five ballet plays of the Modern Dance Theatre, for the municipal Ballet
Theatre, for the Russian folk chorus, and for the chorus of the Ural State Children’s’
Masha Vedernikova is the organizer and the jury member for
the “Young Girl of Fashion” children’s competition.
She is also and the laureate and was awarded with diplomas of the “Week of Russian
Fashion” (1997-1999). The jewelry items collection “The Smell of a Woman” by Masha
Vedernikova did receive the prize on the “Star Podium” in Saint Petersburg in 1998. In
the fall of 1999 the artist participated “Riga Modes Assambleja’99” in two
nominations – “The Look” and “The Wave”.
In September 1999 Masha did open her departments in five
stores of Ekaterinburg. Masha Vedernikova is not only the modeler, but she is also the
constructor and the technologist for her own developments. She prefers working with thin,
plastic, and expensive materials. The major ones of them are:
- knitted wear (woven and hand made);
- silks, decorated by hand; and velvets;
- thin leather, manufactured in Italy;
- Semi-precious gems and threads, that are used in making footwear, jewelry and bags…
“Refinement can not be cheap”, so, the favorite job for
Masha Vedernikova is sewing the one- and two-sided fur coats and tanned fur coats from the
furs of Toscane sheep and llamas. These goods are sewn manually with the use the
decorative seams. Cutting and fur selection are performed by Masha Vedernikova herself.
Besides the quality, the requirements from Masha include the maximal plasticity and
lightness of the ready article.
Collection, at The Opera Theatre. 1999, 6th of December |
"Visits" " " " Collection, at The Actor's Palace.
2000, 26th of February