Class LinearFunc

All Implemented Interfaces:
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public abstract class LinearFunc extends Object implements Func

Linear function: f(x0, x1, ..., xn-1) = b + a0x0 + a1x1 +...+ an-1xn-1. Note: if b==+0.0 or b==−0.0, this sum is calculated as +0.0 + a0x0 + a1x1 +...+ an-1xn-1; according Java specification, it means that this function never returns −0.0 double value.

The get(double...) method of the instance of this class requires at least n arguments and throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the number of arguments is less.

Please note: if all ai coefficients are equal (averaging function), this class does not spend Java memory for storing them. So you can freely create averaging linear function with very large number of coefficients; but in this case you should avoid calling a() method.

This class is immutable and thread-safe: there are no ways to modify settings of the created instance.

Daniel Alievsky
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static LinearFunc getInstance(double b, double... a)
      Returns an instance of this class, describing the linear function with specified coefficients: b + a0x0 + a1x1 +...+ an-1xn-1.

      The passed reference a is not maintained by the created instance: if necessary, the Java array is cloned.

      b - the b coefficient.
      a - the a coefficients.
      the linear function with the given coefficients.
    • getNonweightedInstance

      public static LinearFunc getNonweightedInstance(double b, double a, int n)
      Returns an instance of this class, describing the linear function with the specified b and the specified number (n) of equal coefficients ai: b + a(x0 + x1 +...+ xn-1).
      b - the b coefficient.
      a - the common value of all ai coefficients.
      n - the number of ai coefficients.
      the linear function with the given coefficients.
    • getAveragingInstance

      public static LinearFunc getAveragingInstance(int n)
      Equivalent to getNonweightedInstance(0.0, 1.0/n, n): the average from n numbers.
      n - the number of ai coefficients.
      the function calculating average from n numbers.
    • getInstance

      public static LinearFunc getInstance(Range destRange, Range srcRange)
      Returns an instance of this class describing the following linear function with one argument: dmin + (dmax-dmin) * (x-smin) / (smax-smin), where smin..smax is srcRange and dmin..dmax is destRange. This function maps the source range srcRange to the destination range destRange, excepting the only case when srcRange.size()==0. In that special case the behavior of the returned function is not specified (but no exceptions are thrown).
      destRange - the destination range.
      srcRange - the source range.
      the linear function mapping the source range to the destination range.
      NullPointerException - if one of the arguments is null.
    • getUpdatableInstance

      public static LinearFunc.Updatable getUpdatableInstance(double b, double a)
      Returns an instance of the updatable version of this class, describing the linear function with specified coefficients: b + ax0.

      The set method of this instance sets x[0]=(newResult-b)*aInv, where aInv=1.0/a is calculated while the instance creation.
      b - the b coefficient.
      a - the a coefficient.
      the updatable linear function with the given coefficients.
    • get

      public abstract double get(double... x)
      Description copied from interface: Func
      Returns the result of this function for the given arguments: f(x0, x1, ..., xx.length-1).

      This method must not change the values of x elements!

      Specified by:
      get in interface Func
      x - the function arguments.
      the function result.
    • get

      public abstract double get()
      Description copied from interface: Func
      Equivalent to get(new double[0]). Provides better performance because it does not require Java array creation.
      Specified by:
      get in interface Func
      the function result.
    • get

      public abstract double get(double x0)
      Description copied from interface: Func
      Equivalent to get(new double[] {x0}). Provides better performance because it does not require Java array creation.
      Specified by:
      get in interface Func
      x0 - the function argument.
      the function result.
    • get

      public abstract double get(double x0, double x1)
      Description copied from interface: Func
      Equivalent to get(new double[] {x0, x1}). Provides better performance because it does not require Java array creation.
      Specified by:
      get in interface Func
      x0 - the first function argument.
      x1 - the second function argument.
      the function result.
    • get

      public abstract double get(double x0, double x1, double x2)
      Description copied from interface: Func
      Equivalent to get(new double[] {x0, x1, x2}). Provides better performance because it does not require Java array creation.
      Specified by:
      get in interface Func
      x0 - the first function argument.
      x1 - the second function argument.
      x2 - the third function argument.
      the function result.
    • get

      public abstract double get(double x0, double x1, double x2, double x3)
      Description copied from interface: Func
      Equivalent to get(new double[] {x0, x1, x2, x3}). Provides better performance because it does not require Java array creation.
      Specified by:
      get in interface Func
      x0 - the first function argument.
      x1 - the second function argument.
      x2 - the third function argument.
      x3 - the fourth function argument.
      the function result.
    • n

      public int n()
      Returns the number of ai coefficients.
      the number of argument of this function.
    • b

      public double b()
      Returns b coefficient of this linear function.
      b coefficient.
    • a

      public double a(int i)
      Returns ai coefficient of this linear function.
      i - the index of the coefficient.
      ai coefficient.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the given index is negative or >=n()
    • a

      public double[] a()
      Returns an array containing all ai coefficients of this linear function.

      If isNonweighted() method returns true, it can be more efficient, to save memory, not to use this method, but to get the common value of all coefficients via a(0) call (please not forget to check that n()>0).

      The returned array is never a reference to an internal array stored in this object: if necessary, the internal Java array is cloned.

      all ai coefficients.
    • isNonweighted

      public boolean isNonweighted()
      Returns true if n()<=1 or if all ai coefficients are equal. This function works little faster in this case, because it can be simplified as b + a0(x0 + x1 +...+ xn-1).
      true if n()<=1 or if all ai coefficients are equal.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a brief string description of this object.
      toString in class Object
      a brief string description of this object.