Pattern: non-empty set of real points in multidimensional space
(points with real coordinates).
Usually patterns are relatively little point sets: from tens to millions of points not too far from
the origin of coordinates. However, please note that the number of points is not limited
by any value. In particular, it can be greater than Long.MAX_VALUE.
For example, it may occur for rectangular n-dimensional patterns.
Patterns are the arguments of many image processing filters.
For example, a pattern may specify the form and sizes of the aperture for a linear filter.
Integer patterns
The very important subclass among all patterns is integer patterns,
consisting of points with integer coordinates. More precisely, a pattern is called integer,
if for all pattern's points
(x0, x1, ..., xn−1)
we have xj==(double)(long)xj for any index j.
There is the standard method round(),
rounding any pattern to the nearest integer pattern — the result of this method is always integer.
Usually integer patterns are uniform-grid patterns (see the next section), but this condition is not absolute:
even a pattern, not implementing UniformGridPattern interface, is called integer pattern,
if all its points are really integer. The most popular case of integer patters is so-called
ordinary integer patterns — see below in the next section
"Uniform-grid patterns".
You can try to investigate, whether some pattern is integer or not, by isSurelyInteger() method.
Integer patterns is the basic pattern type for image processing tasks.
In this package, the following methods always create integer patterns:
The important subclass among all patterns is uniform-grid patterns, represented
by the subinterface UniformGridPattern. Uniform-grid patterns is a pattern, all points
of which are mesh nodes of some uniform grids, i.e. have coordinates
where oj and dj are some constants
(dj>0) and ij are any integer numbers.
The parameters oj (named origin) and
dj (named steps) are specified while creating the pattern,
and they are stored inside the object and can be quickly read by the access methods
UniformGridPattern.originOfGrid() and UniformGridPattern.stepsOfGrid().
Draw attention to the last condition! You can easily create also a pattern,
all points of which lie in mesh nodes of some uniform grid, but which will not "know" anything
about this grid and will not implement UniformGridPattern interface.
The simplest way to do this is the call of the constructor
where pattern is a uniform-grid pattern. The resulting pattern is geometrically identical
to the original uniform-grid one, but it does not implement
UniformGridPattern and is not considered to be uniform-grid, because there are no ways
to get information about the grid (origin and steps).
It is obvious that a uniform-grid pattern is also an integer pattern (see above),
if all numbers oj and dj are integer.
The most important particular case: all oj=0 and
all dj=1. We shall call this kind of patterns
ordinary integer patterns.
In this package, uniform-grid patterns are the patterns, created by one of the following ways,
and only they:
One of the most popular, basic kinds of patterns is direct point-set patterns,
represented by the subinterface DirectPointSetPattern.
The pattern is called direct point-set or, briefly, direct,
if it is internally represented as an actual set of points
like Set<Point>.
Of course, any pattern is a set of points. The main feature of this subclass is that
the point-set is stored directly in a form of some collection — and, so, can be directly accessed
at any time via points() or roundedPoints() methods.
As a result, direct point-set pattern cannot contain more than Integer.MAX_VALUE points
(because Java Set object cannot contain more than Integer.MAX_VALUE elements).
Unlike direct patterns, other forms of pattern, like rectangular or complex (see below),
do not actually store the set of their points, though still can build and return it by a request,
when you call points() or roundedPoints().
In this package, direct point-set patterns are the patterns,
created by one of the following ways, and only they:
Direct point-set pattern may be, at the same time, uniform-grid. In this case it must implement
DirectPointSetUniformGridPattern interface.
This package provides an implementation of direct pattern, which is not uniform-grid: SimplePattern.
Most of other direct point-set patterns, provided by this package, are uniform-grid and
implement DirectPointSetUniformGridPattern interface.
Rectangular patterns
The second popular basic kind of patterns is rectangular patterns,
represented by the subinterface RectangularPattern.
The pattern is called rectangular, if it is uniform-grid (implements UniformGridPattern interface),
and it consists of all points inside some hyperparallelepiped, the parameters (bounds) of which were
specified while creating the pattern, are stored inside the object and can be quickly read
by methods like coordRange(int).
Draw attention to the last condition! Of course, you can create also a direct point-set pattern,
consisting of all points inside some hyperparallelepiped. The simplest way to do this is
the call of the constructor
where pattern is a rectangular pattern.
However, the resulting pattern is considered to be direct, but not rectangular.
The main difference between direct point-set and rectangular patterns is the behaviour of methods,
retrieving the point set like points(), and some methods, retrieving boundaries of the pattern,
like UniformGridPattern.upperSurface(int), UniformGridPattern.maxBound(int), etc.
In direct patterns, all methods always work stably, i.e. without exceptions (if the passed arguments
are correct), but calculation of pattern boundaries can require some time, proportional to the number
of points in the pattern.
In rectangular patterns, an attempt to get all points by points() or roundedPoints()
method can lead to TooManyPointsInPatternError or to OutOfMemoryError,
because the number of points can be extremely large (for example, 10000x10000x10000 3-dimensional parallelepiped
consists of 1012 points); but the information about boundaries is available very quickly.
See the details in comments to DirectPointSetPattern and RectangularPattern interfaces.
The classes of direct point-set and rectangular patterns do not intersect:
a direct point-set pattern cannot be rectangular, and a rectangular pattern cannot be direct.
Direct point-set and rectangular pattern are the base, used in many algorithms and
allowing to build more specific pattern types (see below).
In this package, rectangular patterns are the patterns, created by one of the following ways,
and only they:
There are the following guarantees for coordinates of the points of any pattern:
if p=(x0,x1,...,xn−1) is some point
of the pattern, then
for all j; here this inequality means absolutely precise mathematical inequality;
if p=(x01,x11,...,xn−11) and
are some two points of the pattern, then
|xj1−xj2|≤MAX_COORDINATE for all j, where
|xj1−xj2| means
the absolute value of mathematically precise difference (not the result of Java operators
(This condition can be checked with help of
Patterns.isAllowedDifference(double, double) method.)
Each implementation of this interface must fulfil both restriction. The point sets,
satisfying these requirements, are called allowed points sets for patterns.
Any attempt to create a pattern, the set of points of which is not allowed,
leads to TooLargePatternCoordinatesException.
Note: though patterns are sets of real points, their coordinates are restricted by long-type constant
Also note: uniform-grid patterns must fulfil, in addition, two similar restrictions for their grid indexes.
See more details in the comments to UniformGridPattern interface,
the section "Grid index restrictions".
Below are two important theorems, following from these two restrictions.
Theorem I. If you round the coordinates of all points of a pattern, i.e. replace each pattern's point
(x0, x1, ..., xn−1) with a new point
(round(x0), round(x1), ...,
where "round(a)" means the result of (double)StrictMath.round(a) call,
then the resulting point set will also be allowed. The same statement is true for the point set,
consisting of precise integer points, without type cast to double,
i.e. for points (StrictMath.round(x0),
StrictMath.round(x1), ...,
StrictMath.round(xn−1)) —
such mathematical point set also fulfils both restrictions 1 and 2.
Theorem II. If all points of a pattern are integer, i.e.
for all pattern's points
(x0, x1, ..., xn−1)
we have xj==(double)(long)xj for any index j,
and (X0,X1,...,Xn−1)
is some point of this pattern, then you can subtract (using Java “−” operator)
the coordinate Xj (j is any index)
from the corresponding coordinate of all points of this pattern, i.e. replace each pattern's point
(x0, ..., xj−1,
xj+1, ..., xn−1) with
(x0, ..., xj−1,
xj+1, ..., xn−1),
and the resulting point set will also be allowed.
Here and below a⊖b (a and b are real values of double
Java type) means the computer difference (not strict mathematical),
i.e. the result of execution of Java operator “a−b”.
First of all, let's remind that the computer difference a⊖b, according
IEEE 754 standard and Java language specification, is the nearest double value to
the precise mathematical difference a−b.
Because all pattern's points are integer, the restriction 2 allows to state that
any difference xj−Xj
can be represented precisely by double type (see the comments to MAX_COORDINATE constant).
So, we have
= xj−Xj:
the computer difference is just a mathematical difference.
Now the proof is simple.
If is enough to show that the restrictions will be satisfied for the coordinate index j.
The restriction 2 is obvious: (mathematical) subtracting Xj does not change
the (mathematical!) differences
The new value of this coordinate for each point will be
xj−Xj, where both
(x0,x1,...,xn−1) and
(X0,X1,...,Xn−1) are some points of the pattern;
according the condition 2, this difference lies in range
−MAX_COORDINATE≤xj−Xj≤MAX_COORDINATE. In other words, the restriction 1 is also satisfied.
This completes the proof.
Note: this proof is really correct only for patterns, consisting of integer points only.
The reason is that all integer coordinates, fulfilling the restriction 1, and all their differences
xj−Xj are represented precisely by double
Java type. If a pattern contains non-integer points, the statement of this theorem is not true.
For example, for 1-dimensional pattern, consisting of three points
x1=2251799813685248.00 (=MAX_COORDINATE/2),
x2=−2251799813685248.00 (=−MAX_COORDINATE/2) and
x3=−2251799813685247.75 (=−MAX_COORDINATE/2+0.25), subtracting
the point x3 by Java “−” operator leads to the pattern
x'1=4503599627370496.00 (=MAX_COORDINATE) (computer subtraction of double
values leads to rounding here),
x'2=−0.25 and
x'3=0.0, which obviously violates the mathematically precise restriction 2:
As a result, there is an obvious conclusion. If p is one of the points of
some integerpattern (see above), then the method
pattern.shift(p.symmetric()) always works successfully and never throw TooLargePatternCoordinatesException.
Note about equals()
The equals() method in the classes, implementing this interface, may return false
for two patterns, consisting of the same point sets,
for example, if these patterns belong to different pattern types.
For example, a rectangular pattern may be considered to be non-equal
to a geometrically identical Minkowski sum of several segments,
because the thorough comparison of these patterns can require too long time and large memory.
(Please consider 10000x10000x10000 3-dimensional parallelepiped, consisting of 1012 points
with integer coordinates in range 0..9999. It is geometrically equal to Minkowski sum of 3 orthogonal
segments with 10000 integer points in every segment, but we have no resources to check this fact
via direct comparison of the point sets.)
However, the patterns of the same kind (for example, two rectangular patterns,
two Minkowski sums or
two unions) are usually compared precisely.
In particular, there are the following guarantees:
if both patterns are direct point-set (see above),
then equals() method always returns true
for geometrically identical patterns;
if both patterns are rectangular (see above), then, also, equals()
method always returns true for geometrically identical patterns;
and, of course, there is the reverse guarantee, that if the equals() method returns true,
then two patterns consists of the identical point sets.
Multithread compatibility
The classes, implementing this interface, are immutable and thread-safe:
there are no ways to modify settings of the created instance.
Returns a non-empty list of all best or almost best
union decompositions
with equal or similar "quality",
i.e. with the same or almost same summary number of points in all Minkowski decompositions
of all returned patterns.
Returns the maximal boundary of this pattern along the given axis:
a pattern consisting of all points of this pattern, for which there are
no other points with greater coordinate #coordIndex
and same other coordinates.
Returns the minimal boundary of this pattern along the given axis:
a pattern consisting of all points of this pattern, for which there are
no other points with less coordinate #coordIndex
and same other coordinates.
Returns the Minkowski decomposition:
a non-empty list of patterns P0, P1, ..., Pn−1,
such that this pattern P (the point set represented by it)
is a Minkowski sum of them (of the point sets represented by them):
P = P0 ⊕ P1 ⊕...⊕ Pn−1.
Returns the same result as coordRange(int coordIndex) method,
but both minimal and maximal coordinates are rounded to integer values
by StrictMath.round operation.
Returns a union decomposition:
a non-empty list of patterns P0, P1, ..., Pn−1,
such that this pattern P (the point set represented by it)
is the set-theoretical union of them (of the point sets represented by them):
P = P0 ∪ P1 ∪...∪ Pn−1.
Field Details
static finallongMAX_COORDINATE
The maximal possible absolute coordinate value and maximal absolute difference between the corresponding
coordinates for all points in a pattern.
See the comments to this interface, section
"Coordinate restrictions", for more details.
The value of this constant is 1L << 52 = 252 = 4503599627370496L ~ Long.MAX_VALUE/2048.
There is an important feature of this constant.
Any integer values x (long Java type) from the range
all half-integer values x inside the range
(i.e. values x=k+0.5, where k is long
integer in range −MAX_COORDINATE≤k≤MAX_COORDINATE-1)
are represented by double Java type precisely, without loss of precision.
As a result, we can be sure that for any integer k (long Java type), for which
Math.abs(k)<=2*MAX_COORDINATE, the following equality is true:
Returns the number of space dimensions of this pattern.
This value is always positive (>=1).
There is a guarantee, that this method always works very quickly (O(1) operations)
and without exceptions.
the number of space dimensions of this pattern.
Returns the number of points in this pattern.
This value is always positive (>=1).
If the number of points is greater than Long.MAX_VALUE, returns Long.MAX_VALUE.
Warning! This method can work slowly for some forms of large patterns:
the required time can be O(N), where N is the number of points (result of this method).
In these cases, this method can also throw TooManyPointsInPatternError
or OutOfMemoryError.
There is a guarantee, that if this object implements QuickPointCountPattern interface,
then this method works very quickly (O(1) operations) and without exceptions.
There is a guarantee, that if this object implements DirectPointSetPattern interface,
then the result of this method is not greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE.
Note: if this method returns some value greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE,
it means that you cannot use points() and roundedPoints() methods,
because Java Set object cannot contain more than Integer.MAX_VALUE elements.
TooManyPointsInPatternError - for some forms of large patterns, if the number of points is greater than
Integer.MAX_VALUE or, in some rare situations, is near this limit
(OutOfMemoryError can be also thrown instead of this exception).
Returns the number of points in this pattern as double value.
In particular, if the result of pointCount() method is not greater than Long.MAX_VALUE,
there is a guarantee that this method returns the same result, cast to double type.
Warning! This method can work slowly for some forms of large patterns:
the required time can be O(N), where N is the number of points (result of this method).
In these cases, this method can also throw TooManyPointsInPatternError
or OutOfMemoryError.
There is a guarantee, that if this object implements QuickPointCountPattern interface,
then this method works very quickly (O(1) operations) and without exceptions.
the number of points in this pattern as double value.
TooManyPointsInPatternError - for some forms of large patterns, if the number of points is greater than
Integer.MAX_VALUE or, in some rare situations, is near this limit
(OutOfMemoryError can be also thrown instead of this exception).
The result of this method is immutable (Collections.unmodifiableSet).
Moreover, the result is always the same for different calls of this method for the same instance —
there are no ways to change it, in particular, via any custom methods of the implementation class
(it is a conclusion from the common requirement, that all implementations of this interface must be
The returned set is always non-empty,
and the number of its elements is always equal to pointCount().
Warning! This method can work slowly for some forms of large patterns.
In these cases, this method can also throw TooManyPointsInPatternError
or OutOfMemoryError.
This method surely fails (throws one of these exception), if the total number of points
pointCount()>Integer.MAX_VALUE, because Java Set object
cannot contain more than Integer.MAX_VALUE elements.
For example, implementations of the rectangular patterns
allow to successfully define a very large 3D parallelepiped
n x n x n.
Fur such pattern, this method will require a lot of memory
for n=1000 and will fail (probably with TooManyPointsInPatternError)
for n=2000 (20003>Integer.MAX_VALUE).
Note: this method works very quickly (O(1) operations) in SimplePattern class.
all points of this pattern.
TooManyPointsInPatternError - if the number of points is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE or,
in some rare situations, is near this limit
(OutOfMemoryError can be also thrown instead of this exception).
Returns the set of all integer points, obtained from the points of this pattern
(results of points() method by rounding with help of
Point.toRoundedPoint() method.
In other words, the results of this method is the same as the result of the following code:
Set<IPoint> result = new HashSet<IPoint>(); // or another Set implementation
for (Point p : points()) {
result = Collections.unmodifiableSet(result);
The result of this method is immutable (Collections.unmodifiableSet).
Moreover, the result is always the same for different calls of this method for the same instance —
there are no ways to change it, in particular, via any custom methods of the implementation class
(it is a conclusion from the common requirement, that all implementations of this interface must be
The returned set is always non-empty.
Note: the number of resulting points can be less than pointCount(), because some
real points can be rounded to the same integer points.
There is a guarantee, that if this object implements DirectPointSetPattern interface,
then this method requires not greater than O(N) operations and memory
and never throws TooManyPointsInPatternError.
Please compare with round() method, which always works quickly and without exceptions also
for the case of RectangularPattern.
all points of this pattern, rounded to the nearest integer points.
TooManyPointsInPatternError - if the number of points is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE or,
in some rare situations, is near this limit
(OutOfMemoryError can be also thrown instead of this exception).
Returns the minimal and maximal coordinate with the given index
among all points of this pattern.
The minimal coordinate will be r.min(),
the maximal coordinate will be r.max(),
where r is the result of this method.
There is a guarantee, that if this object implements RectangularPattern interface,
then this method works very quickly (O(1) operations) and without exceptions.
Moreover, all patterns, implemented in this package, have very quick implementations of this method
(O(1) operations). Also, the implementations of this method in this package never throw exceptions.
It is theoretically possible, that in custom implementations of this interface
(outside this package) this method will work slowly, up to O(N) operations,
N is the number of points in this pattern.
However, even in such implementations this method must not lead to
TooManyPointsInPatternError / OutOfMemoryError, like points() method.
coordIndex - the index of the coordinate (0 for x, 1 for y, 2 for z, etc.).
the range from minimal to maximal coordinate with this index.
Returns the minimal and maximal coordinates
among all points of this pattern for all dimensions.
If a is the result of this method,
then a.coordCount()==dimCount()
and a.range(k)
is equal to coordRange(k) for all k.
For example, in 2-dimensional case the result is
the circumscribed rectangle (with sides, parallel to the axes).
Returns the point, each coordinate of which
is equal to the minimal corresponding coordinate
among all points of this pattern.
Equivalent to coordArea().min().
Returns the point, each coordinate of which
is equal to the maximal corresponding coordinate
among all points of this pattern.
Equivalent to coordArea().max().
Returns the same result as coordRange(int coordIndex) method,
but both minimal and maximal coordinates are rounded to integer values
by StrictMath.round operation.
Equivalent to coordRange(coordIndex).toRoundedRange().
the ranges from minimal to maximal coordinate for all space dimensions,
rounded to the long values.
Returns true if this pattern consists of the single point, i.e.
if pointCount()==1.
There are no strict guarantees that this method always returns true if the pattern
consist of the single point. (In some complex situations, such analysis can
be too difficult. In particular, if the pattern is a Minkowski sum, then limited floating-point precision can lead to equality of all points of the result.
Simple example: a Minkowski sum of two-point one-dimensional pattern, consisting of points
0.0 and 0.000001, and one-point 251=2251799813685248.0, contains only 1 point 251,
because the computer cannot represent precise value 2251799813685248.000001 in double type
and rounds it to 2251799813685248.0.
In such situations, this method sometimes may incorrectly return false.)
But there is the reverse guarantee: if this method returns true,
the number of points in this pattern is always 1.
Unlike pointCount() method, there is a guarantee that this method
never works very slowly and cannot lead to TooManyPointsInPatternError / OutOfMemoryError.
In situations, when the number of points is very large
(and, so, pointCount() method is not safe in use),
this method must detect this fact in reasonable time and return false.
There is a guarantee, that if this object implements QuickPointCountPattern interface,
then this method works very quickly (O(1) operations) and absolutely correctly
(always returns true if and only if pointCount()==1).
Returns true if this pattern consists of the single point and
this point is the origin of coordinates.
There are no strict guarantees that this method always returns true if the pattern
consist of the single point, equal to the origin of coordinates. (In some complex situations, such analysis can
be too difficult. In such situations, this method may incorrectly return false.)
But there is the reverse guarantee: if this method returns true,
the number of points in this pattern is always 1 and its only point is the origin of coordinates,
in terms of Point.isOrigin() method.
Unlike pointCount() method, there is a guarantee that this method
never works very slowly and cannot lead to TooManyPointsInPatternError / OutOfMemoryError.
In situations, when the number of points is very large
(and, so, pointCount() method is not safe in use),
this method must detect this fact in reasonable time and return false.
There is a guarantee, that if this object implements QuickPointCountPattern interface,
then this method works very quickly (O(1) operations) and absolutely correctly.
true if it is one-point pattern containing the origin of coordinates as the single point.
Returns true if this pattern is integer:
all coordinates of all points of this pattern are integer numbers.
In other words, it means that for each real (double) coordinate x of each point
of this pattern the Java expression x==(long)x is true.
More precisely, if this method returns true, then there are the following guarantees:
However, there are no strict guarantees that this method always returns true if the pattern
is really integer. In other words, if this method returns false, there is no guarantee, that
this pattern really contains some non-integer points — but it is probable.
Unlike points() method, there is a guarantee that this method
never works very slowly and cannot lead to TooManyPointsInPatternError / OutOfMemoryError.
In situations, when the number of points is very large
and there is a risk to fail with TooManyPointsInPatternError / OutOfMemoryError,
this method must detect this fact in reasonable time and return false.
Returns this pattern, every point of which is rounded to the nearest integer point.
The result is always ordinary integer pattern
(see the comments to this interface, section "Uniform-grid patterns").
More precisely, the resulting pattern:
consists of all points,
obtained from all points of this pattern by rounding by the call
There is a guarantee, that if this object implements RectangularPattern interface,
then this method works quickly (O(1) operations) and without exceptions.
It is an important difference from points() and roundedPoints() method.
the integer pattern, geometrically nearest to this one.
TooManyPointsInPatternError - if this pattern is not DirectPointSetPattern and
not RectangularPattern and if, at the same time, the number
of points is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE or,
in some rare situations, is near this limit
(OutOfMemoryError can be also thrown instead of this exception).
There is a guarantee, that this method does not try to allocate much more memory,
that it is required for storing this pattern itself, and that it
never throws TooManyPointsInPatternError.
For comparison, an attempt to do the same operation via getting all points (points() method),
correcting them and forming a new pattern via Patterns.newPattern(java.util.Collection)
will lead to TooManyPointsInPatternError / OutOfMemoryError for some forms of large patterns.
However, TooLargePatternCoordinatesException is impossible in many important cases, when
this pattern is an integer pattern and each coordinate
of the argument is equal to −xj for some some point
(x0, x1, ..., xn−1)
of this pattern.
In particular, you can use this method for integer patterns without a risk of
TooLargePatternCoordinatesException in the following situations:
There is a guarantee, that this method does not try to allocate much more memory,
that it is required for storing this pattern itself, and that it
never throws TooManyPointsInPatternError.
For comparison, an attempt to do the same operation via getting all points (points() method),
correcting them and forming a new pattern via Patterns.newPattern(java.util.Collection)
will lead to TooManyPointsInPatternError / OutOfMemoryError for some forms of large patterns.
There is a guarantee, that this method does not try to allocate much more memory,
that it is required for storing this pattern itself, and that it
never throws TooManyPointsInPatternError.
For comparison, an attempt to do the same operation via getting all points (points() method),
correcting them and forming a new pattern via Patterns.newPattern(java.util.Collection)
will lead to TooManyPointsInPatternError / OutOfMemoryError for some forms of large patterns.
Warning: this method can fail with TooLargePatternCoordinatesException, if some of new points
violate restrictions, described in the comments to this interface,
section "Coordinate restrictions" (for example, due to a very large multiplier).
However, such failure is obviously impossible, if the multiplier is
in range -1.0<=multiplier<=1.0.
There is a guarantee, that this method does not try to allocate much more memory,
that it is required for storing this pattern itself, and that it
never throws TooManyPointsInPatternError.
For comparison, an attempt to do the same operation via getting all points (points() method),
correcting them and forming a new pattern via Patterns.newPattern(java.util.Collection)
will lead to TooManyPointsInPatternError / OutOfMemoryError for some forms of large patterns.
Warning: this method can fail with TooLargePatternCoordinatesException, if some of new points
violate restrictions, described in the comments to this interface,
section "Coordinate restrictions" (for example, due to very large multipliers).
However, such failure is obviously impossible, if all multipliers are
in range -1.0<=multipliers[k]<=1.0.
Returns the projection of this pattern along the given axis.
The number of dimensions in the resulting pattern (dimCount()) is less by 1, than in this one.
More precisely, the resulting pattern consists of the points,
obtained from all points of this pattern by the call
There is a guarantee, that this method does not try to allocate much more memory,
that it is required for storing this pattern itself, and that it
never throws TooManyPointsInPatternError.
For comparison, an attempt to do the same operation via getting all points (points() method),
correcting them and forming a new pattern via Patterns.newPattern(java.util.Collection)
will lead to TooManyPointsInPatternError / OutOfMemoryError for some forms of large patterns.
coordIndex - the index of the coordinate (0 for x-axis , 1 for y-axis,
2 for za-xis, etc.).
the projection of this pattern (its dimCount() is equal to
Returns the minimal boundary of this pattern along the given axis:
a pattern consisting of all points of this pattern, for which there are
no other points with less coordinate #coordIndex
and same other coordinates.
The number of dimensions in the resulting pattern (dimCount()) is the same as in this one.
In other words, this method removes some points from this pattern according the following rule:
if this pattern contains several points p0, p1, ...,
pm−1 with identical projection to the given axis
(pi.projectionAlongAxis(coordIndex).equals(pj.projectionAlongAxis(coordIndex)) for all i, j),
then the resulting pattern contains only one from these points, for which
the given coordinate coord(coordIndex) has the minimal value.
There is a guarantee, that if this object implements RectangularPattern interface,
then this method works quickly (O(1) operations) and without exceptions.
coordIndex - the index of the coordinate (0 for x-axis , 1 for y-axis,
2 for za-xis, etc.).
the minimal boundary of this pattern for the given axis.
TooManyPointsInPatternError - if this pattern is not DirectPointSetPattern and
not RectangularPattern and if, at the same time, the number
of points is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE or,
in some rare situations, is near this limit
(OutOfMemoryError can be also thrown instead of this exception).
Returns the maximal boundary of this pattern along the given axis:
a pattern consisting of all points of this pattern, for which there are
no other points with greater coordinate #coordIndex
and same other coordinates.
The number of dimensions in the resulting pattern (dimCount()) is the same as in this one.
In other words, this method removes some points from this pattern according the following rule:
if this pattern contains several points p0, p1, ...,
pm−1 with identical projection to the given axis
(pi.projectionAlongAxis(coordIndex).equals(pj.projectionAlongAxis(coordIndex)) for all i, j),
then the resulting pattern contains only one from these points, for which
the given coordinate coord(coordIndex) has the maximal value.
There is a guarantee, that if this object implements RectangularPattern interface,
then this method works quickly (O(1) operations) and without exceptions.
coordIndex - the index of the coordinate (0 for x-axis , 1 for y-axis,
2 for za-xis, etc.).
the maximal boundary of this pattern for the given axis.
TooManyPointsInPatternError - if this pattern is not DirectPointSetPattern and
not RectangularPattern and if, at the same time, the number
of points is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE or,
in some rare situations, is near this limit
(OutOfMemoryError can be also thrown instead of this exception).
for any m=1,2,...,n and for any positive integer
k≤2m−1, we have
(2m−1+k)⊗P =
(2m−1⊗P) ⊕ kC.
Here A⊕B means the Minkowski sum of patterns A and B,
k⊗P means P⊕P⊕...⊕P (k summands),
and kP means the pointwise geometrical multiplication of the pattern P by the multiplier k,
i.e. P.multiply(k).
This method tries to find the minimal carcass, consisting of as little as possible number of points,
and the maximal value n, for which the formulas above are correct for the found carcass.
(The value 2n is called the maximal carcass multiplier
and is returned by maxCarcassMultiplier() method.)
For example, for rectangular patterns this method returns
the set of vertices of the hyperparallelepiped (in one-dimensional case, the pair of segment ends),
and the corresponding n=+∞.
But this method does not guarantee that the returned result is always the minimal possible carcass
and that the found n is really maximal for this carcass.
This method allows to optimize calculation of the point set of a Minkowski multiple k⊗P.
It is really used in the pattern implementations, returned
by Patterns.newMinkowskiMultiplePattern(Pattern, int) method:
the result of that method is not always an actual Minkowski sum of N equal patterns,
but can be (in the best case) an equal Minkowski sum of ~log2N patterns
P ⊕ C ⊕ 2C ⊕ ... ⊕ 2mC
⊕ (N−2mC),
or (in not the best case, when N is greater than the maximal carcass multiplier 2n)
can be another, not so little Minkowski sum.
In the worst case (no optimization is possible), this method just returns this object (C=P),
and maxCarcassMultiplier() returns 2 (i.e. n=1).
The returned pattern has the same number of dimensions (dimCount()) as this one.
Returns the maximal multiplier k, for which the calculation of
the Minkowski multiple k⊗P can be optimized by using the carcass of this pattern P.
Please see carcass() method for more information.
Note: the returned value is always ≥2. If the correct value is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE
(for example, for rectangular patterns),
this method returns Integer.MAX_VALUE; in all other cases the returning value is a power of two.
This method can require some time and memory for execution,
but never throws TooManyPointsInPatternError.
Usually an implementation caches the results of carcass() and this methods,
so this method works very quickly after the first call of carcass().
the maximal multiplier (≥2),
for which the calculation of the Minkowski multiple can be optimized
by using the carcass.
Calculates and returns the Minkowski sum of this and specified patterns.
Briefly, the returned pattern consists of all points a+b, where
a is any point of this pattern, b is any point of the argument "added"
and "+" means a vector sum of two points
(the result of "a.add(b)" call).
Please see details in
Warning! This method can work slowly for some forms of large patterns.
In these cases, this method can also throw TooManyPointsInPatternError
or OutOfMemoryError.
The returned pattern always implements RectangularPattern
if this pattern and subtracted argument implement RectangularPattern
and both patterns have identical steps
(i.e. thisPattern.stepsOfGridEqual(subtracted) returns true).
In this case, this method works very quickly and without
TooManyPointsInPatternError / OutOfMemoryError exceptions.
Please draw attention: there is another way to build a Minkowski sum,
namely the method Patterns.newMinkowskiSum(java.util.Collection).
That method does not perform actual calculations and returns a special implementation
of this interface (see comments to this interface, section "Complex patterns").
Unlike that method, this one tries to actually calculate the Minkowski sum, saving (when possible)
the type of the original pattern: see above two guarantees about DirectPointSetPattern
and RectangularPattern types. If it is impossible to represent the Minkowski sum
by Java class of this pattern, it is probable that the result will be constructed
as DirectPointSetUniformGridPattern or as SimplePattern.
TooManyPointsInPatternError - for some forms of large patterns, if the number of points in this,
added or result pattern is greater than
Integer.MAX_VALUE or, maybe, is near this limit
Calculates and returns the erosion of this pattern by specified pattern
or null if this erosion is the empty set.
Briefly, the returned pattern consists of all such points p,
that for any points b of the "subtracted" pattern the vector sum of two points
(the result of "p.add(b)" call)
belongs to this pattern.
Please see more details in
Wikipedia and
Google about the "Erosion" and "Minkowski subtraction" terms.
Warning! This method can work slowly for some forms of large patterns.
In these cases, this method can also throw TooManyPointsInPatternError
or OutOfMemoryError.
Warning: this method can fail with TooLargePatternCoordinatesException, if some of new points
violate restrictions, described in the comments to this interface,
section "Coordinate restrictions". But it is obvious, that this exception
is impossible if the passed pattern "subtracted" contains the origin of coordinates
(in this case, the result is a subset of this pattern).
The returned pattern always implements RectangularPattern
if this pattern and subtracted argument implement RectangularPattern
and both patterns have identical steps
(i.e. thisPattern.stepsOfGridEqual(subtracted) returns true).
In this case, this method works very quickly and without
TooManyPointsInPatternError / OutOfMemoryError exceptions.
subtracted - another pattern.
the erosion of this pattern by the specified pattern
or null if this erosion is the empty set.
TooManyPointsInPatternError - for some forms of large patterns, if the number of points in this,
subtracted or result pattern is greater than
Integer.MAX_VALUE or, maybe, is near this limit
Returns the Minkowski decomposition:
a non-empty list of patterns P0, P1, ..., Pn−1,
such that this pattern P (the point set represented by it)
is a Minkowski sum of them (of the point sets represented by them):
P = P0 ⊕ P1 ⊕...⊕ Pn−1.
In other words, each point p∈P of this pattern is equal to a vector sum
of some n points
p0, p1, ..., pn−1,
where pi∈Pi.
Please see Wikipedia
about the "Minkowski sum" term.
This method tries to find the best decomposition, that means the list of patterns
with minimal summary number of points. For good pattern, the returned patterns list
can consist of O(log2N) points (sum of pointCount()
values for all returned patterns),
where N is the number of points (pointCount()) in this pattern.
For example, a linear one-dimensional segment {x: 0<=x<2m}
is a Minkowski sum of m point pairs {0, 2i}, i=0,1,...,m-1.
There is no guarantee that this method returns a good decomposition.
If this method cannot find required decomposition, it returns the 1-element list containing
this instance as the only element.
If the number of points in this pattern is less than the argument, i.e.
pointCount()<minimalPointCount, then this method probably does not
decompose this pattern and returns the 1-element list containing this instance as its element.
But it is not guaranteed: if the method "knows" some decomposition, but estimation of the number of points
can require a lot of resources, this method may ignore minimalPointCount argument.
However, there is a guarantee that if the number of points is 1 or 2,
i.e. pointCount()≤2, then this method always returns
the 1-element list containing this instance as its element.
There is a guarantee that the elements of the resulting list cannot be further decomposed:
this method, called for them with the same or larger minimalPointCount argument,
always returns a list consisting of one element.
The number of space dimensions in all returned patterns (dimCount() is the same as in this one.
The result of this method is immutable (Collections.unmodifiableList).
minimalPointCount - this method usually does not decompose patterns that contain
less than minimalPointCount points.
the decomposition of this pattern to Minkowski sum; always contains ≥1 elements.
Returns a union decomposition:
a non-empty list of patterns P0, P1, ..., Pn−1,
such that this pattern P (the point set represented by it)
is the set-theoretical union of them (of the point sets represented by them):
P = P0 ∪ P1 ∪...∪ Pn−1.
This method tries to find such decomposition, that all patterns Pi have good
Minkowski decompositions
and the summary number of points in all Minkowski decompositions
of all patterns, returned by this method, is as small as possible —
usually much less than the number of points in this instance.
If this pattern already has a good Minkowski decompositions,
this method should return the 1-element list containing
this instance as the only element.
If the number of points in this pattern is less than the argument, i.e.
pointCount()<minimalPointCount, then this method probably does not
decompose this pattern and returns the 1-element list containing this instance as its element.
Moreover, this method tries to build such decomposition, that every element Pi
in the resulting list contains ≥minimalPointCount elements.
There is a guarantee that the elements of the resulting list cannot be further decomposed:
this method, called for them with the same or larger minimalPointCount argument,
always returns a list consisting of one element.
The number of space dimensions in all returned patterns (dimCount() is the same as in this one.
The result of this method is immutable (Collections.unmodifiableList).
minimalPointCount - this method usually does not decompose patterns that contain
less than minimalPointCount points.
a decomposition of this pattern into the union of patterns; always contains ≥1 elements.
Returns a non-empty list of all best or almost best
union decompositions
with equal or similar "quality",
i.e. with the same or almost same summary number of points in all Minkowski decompositions
of all returned patterns.
This method is a useful addition to unionDecomposition(int) method for a case,
when there are several union decompositions with similar "quality".
In this case an algorithm, using union decompositions, is able to choose
the best from several variants according additional algorithm-specific criteria.
The number of space dimensions in all returned patterns (dimCount() is the same as in this one.
The result of this method and the elements of the result are immutable
minimalPointCount - this method usually does not decompose patterns that contain
less than minimalPointCount points.
several good variants of decomposition of this pattern to the union of patterns;
the result always contains ≥1 elements,
and all its elements also contain ≥1 elements.