Interface | Description |
HavingCenter | Item which has a geometrical center. |
HavingInteractionRadius | Item which cannot act to other items, also implementing this interface, if their centers are too far from this one: farther than some interaction radius R. |
HavingMass | Item which has a mass. |
HavingVelocity | Item which has a velocity: the first derivative of the center vector by time. |
InteractionRule | Abstract physical interaction, which can be described by Newton's laws. |
Item | Abstract physical item: particle or another object in 3D space, which can interact with other items. |
ItemListBuilder | Builder of the item list, used for storing items by SimpleItemSet and GridItemSet classes. |
ItemSet | Simple collection (list) of indexed non-null items . |
MovementIntegrator | Movement integrator: the basic tool for integrating motion equations of the physical model, described by
ItemSet object. |
Spherical | Spherical item. |
SymmetricInteractionRule | True interaction between two objects, according Newton's 3rd law. |
Class | Description |
AbstractMovementIntegrator | A skeletal implementation of the MovementIntegrator interface to minimize
the effort required to implement this interface. |
BunkerWall | Solid plane wall, used for forming a bunker, where another items are moving and interacting. |
Earth | Earth planet: an item which acts to any other item, which have a mass ,
by EarthGravitationRule interaction. |
EarthGravitationRule | Interaction between Earth and any having mass item. |
ElasticBall | Elastic ball: a sphere with some density ρ and elasticity modulus μ, which can interact with other balls and items as a solid body. |
ElasticBallByBunkerWallInteractionRule | Interaction between bunker wall and elastic ball . |
ElasticBallsInteractionRule | Interaction between two elastic balls . |
EulerMovementIntegrator | The simplest implementation of the MovementIntegrator interface, based on
the classic Euler method
for solving Cauchy problem. |
GridItemSet | Grid item set. |
MovementIntegratorWrapper | Wrapper, all method of which just call the same methods of some parent integrator. |
PhysicalMedium | Physical medium: an item which acts to any other item, which have a velocity ,
by PhysicalMediumResistanceRule interaction. |
PhysicalMediumResistanceRule | Interaction between the physical medium and any having velocity
spherical item. |
RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator | The general implementation of the MovementIntegrator interface, based on
the family of explicit
Runge-Kutta methods of any order for solving Cauchy problem. |
SimpleItemSet | Simplest item set. |
Enum | Description |
GridItemSet.GridRangeStyle | Method of calculating the grid bounds: which area of 3D space should be splitted into rectangular cells
by GridItemSet .preprocess() method. |
Abstract physical model, describing movement of a set of interacting 3D particles (items). For this model, the traditional Cauchy problem is formulated and solved.
Only coordinates of centers and velocities are considered: this package allows to move objects,
but does not process their form, orientation in the space and rotation.
So, this package is designed for processing spherical items only.
Processing non-spherical items, if necessary, can be added by extending
and providing custom implementations of
AlgART Laboratory 2010