Package net.algart.model3d.common.movement

Example of using net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model and net.algart.model3d.common.movement.view packages: a ready-for-use simple physical model of moving and impacting elastic balls inside a rectangular bunker.


Interface Summary
Interface Description
ParameterGetter A tool for customizing the model and view, represented by MovingSpheresModel and MovingSpheresView classes, via text strings, in a Java-applet manner.
StatusShower A tool for showing status line by the component MovingSpheresController.

Class Summary
Class Description
MovingSpheresApplet Java applet, allowing to customize and view the model (in animation mode) in a browser.
MovingSpheresController A Swing component allowing to show the model, represented by MovingSpheresModel class, and to control it (change scale, rotate, cut) with mouse and keyboard.
MovingSpheresModel A simple physical model of moving and impacting elastic balls.
MovingSpheresView A tool for drawing the model, represented by MovingSpheresModel class.

Package net.algart.model3d.common.movement Description

Example of using net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model and net.algart.model3d.common.movement.view packages: a ready-for-use simple physical model of moving and impacting elastic balls inside a rectangular bunker. This package contains 3 classes:

which implement this model via the classic MVC design pattern, and a Java applet, allowing to customize and view the model (in animation mode) in a browser:

which implements an infinite loop of motion and drawing and provides interface methods for JavaScript in an HTML page. These classes are simple and not documented: please just see the source Java files for detail.

AlgART Laboratory 2010

JDK 1.5
Daniel Alievsky