AbstractMovementIntegrator - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
A skeletal implementation of the MovementIntegrator interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface.
AbstractMovementIntegrator(ItemSet, Collection<InteractionRule>, double) - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
Creates new instance of this class.
add(Item) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ItemSet
Appends the specified item to the end of this item list.
add(Item) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.SimpleItemSet
addAll(Collection<? extends Item>) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ItemSet
Appends all items from the specified collection to the end of this item list, in the order that they are returned by the specified collection's iterator.
addAll(Collection<? extends Item>) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.SimpleItemSet
addElasticBall(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
addInitialItems() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
addInitialItems() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
addNonintersectingRandomElasticBallsInBunker(int, double, double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
addNonintersectingRandomElasticBallsInBunker(int, double, double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
afterIteration() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
This method is called by MovementIntegratorWrapper.performIteration() method after that it calls parent.performIteration().
appletReady - Variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet


beforeIteration() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
This method is called by MovementIntegratorWrapper.performIteration() method before that it calls parent.performIteration().
buildModelImage(Object, MovingSpheresModel, int, int) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
BunkerWall - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Solid plane wall, used for forming a bunker, where another items are moving and interacting.
BunkerWall(double, double, double, double, double...) - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.BunkerWall
Creates new wall: an infinite half-space ax+by+czd, filled by elastic solid matter.
BunkerWallShapingRule - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.view
Shaping rule, which converts a bunker wall, on which 3 or more vertices are specified, to a drawable plane polygon in 3D space.
BunkerWallShapingRule() - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.view.BunkerWallShapingRule


calculateForce(double[], Item, Item, double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.EarthGravitationRule
calculateForce(double[], Item, Item, double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBallByBunkerWallInteractionRule
calculateForce(double[], Item, Item, double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBallsInteractionRule
calculateForce(double[], Item, Item, double) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.InteractionRule
Calculates the force F=(Fx,Fy,Fz) of the action of byItem to toItem and returns it in first 3 elements of resultXYZ array (x-component Fx resultXYZ[0], y-component Fy in resultXYZ[1], z-component Fz in resultXYZ[2]).
calculateForce(double[], Item, Item, double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.PhysicalMediumResistanceRule
calculateLeftSide(double[], double[], double[], double[], double[], double[], double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
Calculates the left sides of the motion equations, integrated by this object, multiplied by the passed deltaTt argument.
calculateLeftSide(double[], double[], double[], double[], double[], double[], double, int, int, int) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
An analog of the full AbstractMovementIntegrator.calculateLeftSide(double[], double[], double[], double[], double[], double[], double) method, which processes only the specified range of items.
checkAndClearConsoleDumpRequest() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
checkAndClearRedrawRequest() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
clearRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
clearRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface net.algart.drawing3d.Pixel3DDrawer
Clears (reinitialize) the rectangular area leftx<left+width, topy<top+height.
clearRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.SimpleDrawer3D
clone() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Returns the precise clone of this coordinate system.
ColoringRule - Interface in net.algart.drawing3d
Coloring rule: the tool, choosing the color for drawing an abstract object.
controller - Variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
ConvexPlanePolygon3DDrawingRule - Class in net.algart.drawing3d
Algorithm of drawing convex plane polygon, placed in 3D space (PlanePolygon3D object).
ConvexPlanePolygon3DDrawingRule() - Constructor for class net.algart.drawing3d.ConvexPlanePolygon3DDrawingRule
CoordinateSystem3D - Class in net.algart.drawing3d
Coordinate system in 3D space.
CoordinateSystem3D() - Constructor for class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Creates the trivial coordinate system: O=0=(0,0,0), σ=1.0, i vector is (1,0,0), j vector is (0,1,0), k vector is (0,0,1).
CoordinateSystem3D(double, double, double, double, Orientation3D) - Constructor for class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Creates new coordinate system, fully specified by the arguments of the constructor.
copyBasicSettings(MovementIntegrator) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
copyBasicSettings(MovementIntegrator) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Copies all basic settings, that can be accessed via getXxx/setXxx methods of this interface, from the specified object.
copyBasicSettings(MovementIntegrator) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
countOfCheckedNeighbours - Variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
The counter, returned by AbstractMovementIntegrator.getCounterOfCheckedNeighbours() method.
countOfProcessedInteractions - Variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
The counter, returned by AbstractMovementIntegrator.getCounterOfProcessedInteractions() method.
countOfProcessedItems - Variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
The counter, returned by AbstractMovementIntegrator.getCounterOfProcessedItems() method.
countOfProcessedSymmetricInteractions - Variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
The counter, returned by AbstractMovementIntegrator.getCounterOfProcessedSymmetricInteractions() method.
createColoringRules() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
createController() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
createInteractionRules() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
createModel() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
createMovementIntegrator(int) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
createView() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet


decodeColorWithAlpha(String) - Static method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
DEFAULT - Static variable in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Standard orientation: i vector is (1,0,0), j vector is (0,1,0), k vector is (0,0,1).
DEFAULT - Static variable in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ItemListBuilder
Simplest default implementation of this interface, where ItemListBuilder.newItemList() method just returns new ArrayList<Item>().
draw(Shape3D, Pixel3DDrawer, CoordinateSystem3D, Rectangle2D, double, Color) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.ConvexPlanePolygon3DDrawingRule
draw(Object...) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Draws all passed objects.
draw(Collection<?>) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Draws all passed objects.
draw(Shape3D, Pixel3DDrawer, CoordinateSystem3D, Rectangle2D, double, Color) - Method in interface net.algart.drawing3d.DrawingRule
Draws the specified 3D figure (shape), i.e. calls pixelDrawer.drawPoint method for every screen pixel and all corresponding points of the surface ot this figure.
draw(Shape3D, Pixel3DDrawer, CoordinateSystem3D, Rectangle2D, double, Color) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Sphere3DDrawingRule
Drawer3D - Class in net.algart.drawing3d
Universal 3D drawer: the main drawing tool of this toolkit.
Drawer3D(int, int, Color, Collection<ShapingRule>, Collection<ColoringRule>, Collection<DrawingRule>) - Constructor for class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Creates new instance of this class.
DrawingRule - Interface in net.algart.drawing3d
Drawing rule: the tool for 3D drawing some kind of 3D figure (Shape3D) on the base of drawing one 3D pixel.
drawPoint(int, int, double, double, double, double, Color) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
drawPoint(int, int, double, double, double, double, Color) - Method in interface net.algart.drawing3d.Pixel3DDrawer
Draws 1 pixel (point) of the surface of some 3D figure.
drawPoint(int, int, double, double, double, double, Color) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.SimpleDrawer3D
drawStatusInfo(Graphics2D, int, int, int, MovingSpheresModel) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView


Earth - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Earth planet: an item which acts to any other item, which have a mass, by EarthGravitationRule interaction.
Earth(double) - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.Earth
Creates new Earth with the specified acceleration of gravity g=gravity.
EarthGravitationRule - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Interaction between Earth and any having mass item.
EarthGravitationRule() - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.EarthGravitationRule
ElasticBall - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Elastic ball: a sphere with some density ρ and elasticity modulus μ, which can interact with other balls and items as a solid body.
ElasticBall(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
Creates new elastic ball with the specified parameters.
ElasticBallByBunkerWallInteractionRule - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Interaction between bunker wall and elastic ball.
ElasticBallByBunkerWallInteractionRule() - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBallByBunkerWallInteractionRule
ElasticBallsInteractionRule - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Interaction between two elastic balls.
ElasticBallsInteractionRule() - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBallsInteractionRule
equals(Object) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Indicates whether some other basis is equal to this instance, that is all corresponding components are absolutely identical.
estimateContainingParallelepiped(double[], Shape3D, CoordinateSystem3D) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.ConvexPlanePolygon3DDrawingRule
estimateContainingParallelepiped(double[], Collection<?>) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Returns, in first 6 elements of result argument, the minimal and maximal x-coordinate, the minimal and maximal y-coordinate, the minimal and maximal z-coordinate of all drawable points of all passed 3D objects, in the specified order.
estimateContainingParallelepiped(double[], Shape3D, CoordinateSystem3D) - Method in interface net.algart.drawing3d.DrawingRule
Returns, in first 6 elements of result argument, the minimal and maximal x-coordinate, the minimal and maximal y-coordinate, the minimal and maximal z-coordinate of all drawable points of the specified 3D figure (shape), in the specified order.
estimateContainingParallelepiped(double[], Shape3D, CoordinateSystem3D) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Sphere3DDrawingRule
EULER_MOVEMENT_INTEGRATOR - Static variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
EulerMovementIntegrator - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
The simplest implementation of the MovementIntegrator interface, based on the classic Euler method for solving Cauchy problem.


gammaCorrection(int) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Returns (int)(256.0 * (brightness/256.0)γ) + 0.5), where γ is the current γ exponent for the gamma-correction.
get(int) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ItemSet
Returns the item with the given index (from 0 to ItemSet.size()−1).
get(int) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.SimpleItemSet
getA() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.PlanePolygon3D
The coefficient a in the plane equation ax+by+cz=d.
getA() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.BunkerWall
The coefficient a in the inequality ax+by+czd, describing the wall.
getAccelerationLimit() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
getAccelerationLimit() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns the acceleration limit Amax.
getAccelerationLimit() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
getAccelerationLimit() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getAll() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ItemSet
Returns the list of all items of this item list.
getAll(Class<? extends T>) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ItemSet
Returns newly created modifiable list of all items of this item list, implementing the specified interface (or extending the specified class).
getAll() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.SimpleItemSet
getAll(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.SimpleItemSet
getAlpha() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
Returns α coefficients of the Runge-Kutta algorithm.
getAlternateGamma() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
Returns γ' coefficients of the Runge-Kutta algorithm or null, if this object does not use them.
getAntialiasingScale() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.SimpleDrawer3D
Returns the antialiasing scale α, specified while creating this object.
getAntialiasingScale() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
getAppletInfo() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getB() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.PlanePolygon3D
The coefficient b in the plane equation ax+by+cz=d.
getB() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.BunkerWall
The coefficient b in the inequality ax+by+czd, describing the wall.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Returns the current background color, used by Drawer3D.clearRect(int, int, int, int) method.
getBackgroundColor() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
getBallDensity() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getBallDensity() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
getBallElasticityModulus() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getBallElasticityModulus() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
getBallFrictionCoefficient() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getBallFrictionCoefficient() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
getBeta() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
Returns β coefficients of the Runge-Kutta algorithm.
getBunkerMaxX() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getBunkerMaxX() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
getBunkerMaxY() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getBunkerMaxY() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
getBunkerMaxZ() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getBunkerMaxZ() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
getBunkerMinX() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getBunkerMinX() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
getBunkerMinY() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getBunkerMinY() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
getBunkerMinZ() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getBunkerMinZ() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
getBunkerWallColor() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getBunkerWallColoringRule() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
getC() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.PlanePolygon3D
The coefficient c in the plane equation ax+by+cz=d.
getC() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.BunkerWall
The coefficient c in the inequality ax+by+czd, describing the wall.
getCenterX() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Sphere3D
Returns x-coordinate of the center of the sphere.
getCenterX() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
getCenterX() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingCenter
Returns x-coordinate of the item's center.
getCenterY() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Sphere3D
Returns y-coordinate of the center of the sphere.
getCenterY() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
getCenterY() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingCenter
Returns y-coordinate of the item's center.
getCenterZ() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Sphere3D
Returns z-coordinate of the center of the sphere.
getCenterZ() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
getCenterZ() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingCenter
Returns z-coordinate of the item's center.
getColor(Object) - Method in interface net.algart.drawing3d.ColoringRule
Returns the color of the specified object.
getColor(Object) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Finds and returns the desired color of the given object.
getColor() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.SimpleColoringRule
Returns the color, which will be returned by SimpleColoringRule.getColor(Object) method.
getColor(Object) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.SimpleColoringRule
getColoringRules() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Returns the list of coloring rules, used by this object.
getCoordinateOriginX() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getCoordinateOriginX() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
getCoordinateOriginY() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getCoordinateOriginY() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
getCoordinateOriginZ() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getCoordinateOriginZ() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Returns the current coordinate system.
getCoordinateSystem() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
getCounterOfCheckedNeighbours() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
getCounterOfCheckedNeighbours() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns the internal thread-safe counter of "neighbour" item pairs, which were checked by MovementIntegrator.performIteration() method while calculation of the right side of the motion equations.
getCounterOfCheckedNeighbours() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
getCounterOfProcessedInteractions() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
getCounterOfProcessedInteractions() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns the internal thread-safe counter of really interacted item pairs, which were really processed by MovementIntegrator.performIteration() method while calculation of the right side of the motion equations, that is for which calculateForce method was really called and returned true.
getCounterOfProcessedInteractions() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
getCounterOfProcessedItems() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
getCounterOfProcessedItems() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns the internal thread-safe counter of items, which were processed by MovementIntegrator.performIteration() method while calculation of the right side of the motion equations.
getCounterOfProcessedItems() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
getCounterOfProcessedSymmetricInteractions() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
getCounterOfProcessedSymmetricInteractions() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
An analog of the counter MovementIntegrator.getCounterOfProcessedInteractions(), counting only pairs, which were processed in more efficient way thanks to symmetric interaction rules.
getCounterOfProcessedSymmetricInteractions() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
getD() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.PlanePolygon3D
The coefficient d in the plane equation ax+by+cz=d.
getD() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.BunkerWall
The coefficient d in the inequality ax+by+czd, describing the wall.
getDeltaT() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
getDeltaT() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns the time step Δt for one iteration of integration.
getDeltaT() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
getDeltaT() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getDensity() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
Returns the density ρ of this ball.
getDrawingRule(Shape3D, Object) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Finds and returns the drawing rule, which should be used for drawing the given 3D figure.
getDrawingRules() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Returns the list of drawing rules, used by this object.
getEarth() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
getEarthGravity() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getElasticityModulus() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
Returns the elasticity modulus.
getEulerIntegrator(ItemSet, Collection<InteractionRule>, double) - Static method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.EulerMovementIntegrator
Creates new instance of this class.
getFrictionCoefficient() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
Returns the friction coefficient.
getGamma() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Returns the current γ, used for gamma-correction of the pixel brightness.
getGamma() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
Returns γ coefficients of the Runge-Kutta algorithm.
getGeneralizedRungeKuttaIntegrator(ItemSet, Collection<InteractionRule>, double, double[], double[][], double[]) - Static method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
Creates new instance of this class with the specified sets of coefficients αi, βi,j and γi and without additional set of coefficients γ'i.
getGeneralizedRungeKuttaIntegrator(ItemSet, Collection<InteractionRule>, double, double[], double[][], double[], double[]) - Static method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
Creates new instance of this class with the specified sets of coefficients αi, βi,j, γi and additional set of coefficients γ'i (alternateGamma).
getGravity() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.Earth
Returns the acceleration of gravity g.
getImage() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Transforms the current picture, built on the virtual screen by this object, into a buffered image, and returns it.
getImage() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.SimpleDrawer3D
getImageHeight() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Returns the height of the image, built by Drawer3D.getImage() method.
getImageHeight() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.SimpleDrawer3D
getImageWidth() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Returns the width of the image, built by Drawer3D.getImage() method.
getImageWidth() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.SimpleDrawer3D
getInstance(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Creates new instance of this class, where the components of i and j vector are specified in the arguments and k vector is chosen automatically as the vector product [i,j] = (iyjzizjy, izjxixjz, ixjyiyjx)
getInteractionRules() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
getInteractionRules() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns the list of interaction rules, used by this object.
getInteractionRules() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
getItemColor() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getItemColoringRule() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
getItemSet() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
getItemSet() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns the item set, processed by this object.
getItemSet() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
getItemSet() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
getIx() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns x-component ix of i vector in this basis.
getIy() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns y-component iy of i vector in this basis.
getIz() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns z-component iz of i vector in this basis.
getJx() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns x-component jx of j vector in this basis.
getJy() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns y-component jy of j vector in this basis.
getJz() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns z-component jz of j vector in this basis.
getKx() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns x-component kx of k vector in this basis.
getKy() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns y-component ky of k vector in this basis.
getKz() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns z-component kz of k vector in this basis.
getMass() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
getMass() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingMass
Returns the mass of this item.
getMaxInteractionRadius() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
getMaxInteractionRadius() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingInteractionRadius
Returns the interaction radius R: maximal distance from the center where this object can affect to other item, also implementing this interface.
getMediumResistanceCoefficient() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getModelImage() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
getMovementIntegratorCode() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getMovementIntegratorCode() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
getNumberOfParallelTasks() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
getNumberOfParallelTasks() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns the current number of parallel threads, which is recommended this object to use for optimizing calculations on multiprocessor systems.
getNumberOfParallelTasks() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
getNumberOfParallelTasks() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getNumberOfWalls() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
getOrientation() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Returns the orientation: the orthonormal basis (i, j, k).
getOriginX() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Returns x-coordinate of the origin Ox.
getOriginY() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Returns y-coordinate of the origin Oy.
getOriginZ() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Returns z-coordinate of the origin Oz.
getParameter(String) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.ParameterGetter
Returns the value of the named parameter.
getPhysicalMedium() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
getPossibleInteractingIndexes(int[], int) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.GridItemSet
This implementation analyses the set of grid cells, lying "near" the center of the specified item — in some sense, not farther than the sum of interaction radiis of the given item #itemIndex and the maximal from interaction radii of all items (for which this radius is defined and is not Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY).
getPossibleInteractingIndexes(int[], int) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ItemSet
Returns, in first K elements of result array, the indexes of all items, that can be interact with the item #itemIndex, according to HavingInteractionRadius.getMaxInteractionRadius() or, maybe, some analogous empiric rules.
getPossibleInteractingIndexes(int[], int) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.SimpleItemSet
This implementation is based on a simple loop, which checks coordinates and interaction radii of all items and stores in the result only indexes of such items that the distance between centers (of the item #itemIndex and the other one) is not greater than the sum of interaction radii of that item pair.
getRadius() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Sphere3D
Returns the radius of the sphere.
getRadius() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
getRadius() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.Spherical
Returns the radius of this spherical item.
getRand() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
getRefreshTime() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getResistanceCoefficient() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.PhysicalMedium
Returns the resistance coefficient σ.
getRungeKutta4Integrator(ItemSet, Collection<InteractionRule>, double) - Static method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
Creates new instance of this class with predefined sets of coefficients αi, βi,j and γi, corresponding to the classic 4th order Runge-Kutta method.
getRungeKuttaFehlberg45Integrator(ItemSet, Collection<InteractionRule>, double) - Static method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
Creates new instance of this class with predefined sets of coefficients αi, βi,j, γi and γ'i, corresponding to the classic 5th order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method (also known as RKF-45).
getScale() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Returns the scale σ.
getScale() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getScale() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
getScreenHeight() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Returns the height of the (virtual) screen: Drawer3D.screenHeight.
getScreenWidth() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Returns the width of the (virtual) screen: Drawer3D.screenWidth.
getShape(Object) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Finds and returns the 3D shape (figure) of the given object.
getShape(Object) - Method in interface net.algart.drawing3d.ShapingRule
Returns the newly created shape of the specified 3D object.
getShape(Object) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.view.BunkerWallShapingRule
getShape(Object) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.view.SphereShapingRule
getShapingRules() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Returns the list of shaping rules, used by this object.
getSimpleDrawer3D(int, int, int, Color, List<ShapingRule>, List<ColoringRule>, List<DrawingRule>) - Static method in class net.algart.drawing3d.SimpleDrawer3D
Creates new instance of this class.
getSomeInstance(double, double, double) - Static method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Creates new instance of this class, where the components of i vector are specified in the arguments, j and k vectors are chosen automatically by some (undocumented) way, so that the resulting basis i, j, k is orthonormal.
getT() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
getT() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns the current time t in the physical model.
getT() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
getT() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getVelocityLimit() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
getVelocityLimit() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns the velocity limit Vmax.
getVelocityLimit() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
getVelocityLimit() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getVelocityX() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
getVelocityX() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingVelocity
Returns x-component of the velocity of the item's center.
getVelocityY() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
getVelocityY() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingVelocity
Returns y-component of the velocity of the item's center.
getVelocityZ() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
getVelocityZ() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingVelocity
Returns z-component of the velocity of the item's center.
getVerticesCount() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.PlanePolygon3D
The number of vertices of the polygon: verticesXYZ.length/3, where verticesXYZ is the last argument of the constructor.
getVerticesCount() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.BunkerWall
The number of vertices of the polygon which should be drawn: verticesXYZ.length/3, where verticesXYZ is the last argument of the constructor.
getVerticesXYZ() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.PlanePolygon3D
Returns all vertices of the polygon.
getVerticesXYZ() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.BunkerWall
Returns all vertices of the polygon which should be drawn.
getViscousForces() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
getViscousForces() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns true if this object works in the mode of viscous forces.
getViscousForces() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
getViscousForces() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getZCut() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Returns the current zcut limit.
getZCut() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
getZCut() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
getZCut() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
GridItemSet - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Grid item set.
GridItemSet(ItemListBuilder, int, int, int, GridItemSet.GridRangeStyle) - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.GridItemSet
Creates new instance of this class, working with the grid with dimX * dimY * dimZ cells.
GridItemSet(int, int, int, GridItemSet.GridRangeStyle) - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.GridItemSet
Creates new instance of this class, working with the grid with dimX * dimY * dimZ cells.
GridItemSet.GridRangeStyle - Enum in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Method of calculating the grid bounds: which area of 3D space should be splitted into rectangular cells by GridItemSet.preprocess() method.


hashCode() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns the hash code of this object.
HavingCenter - Interface in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Item which has a geometrical center.
HavingInteractionRadius - Interface in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Item which cannot act to other items, also implementing this interface, if their centers are too far from this one: farther than some interaction radius R.
HavingMass - Interface in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Item which has a mass.
HavingVelocity - Interface in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Item which has a velocity: the first derivative of the center vector by time.


init() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
InteractionRule - Interface in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Abstract physical interaction, which can be described by Newton's laws.
intersects(Spherical) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
intersects(Spherical) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.Spherical
Returns true if and only if this sphere intersects the specified other sphere, i.e.
inverseTransformX(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Returns the x-coordinate of the given point in terms of this coordinate system.
inverseTransformX(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns the projection of the given vector (x,y,z) to the vector i.
inverseTransformY(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Returns the y-coordinate of the given point in terms of this coordinate system.
inverseTransformY(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns the projection of the given vector (x,y,z) to the vector j.
inverseTransformZ(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Returns the z-coordinate of the given point in terms of this coordinate system.
inverseTransformZ(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns the projection of the given vector (x,y,z) to the vector k.
isApplicable(Object) - Method in interface net.algart.drawing3d.ColoringRule
Checks whether this coloring rule is applicable to the given object (item), i.e. this coloring rule "knows" which color should be used for drawing this object.
isApplicable(Shape3D, Object) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.ConvexPlanePolygon3DDrawingRule
isApplicable(Shape3D, Object) - Method in interface net.algart.drawing3d.DrawingRule
Checks whether this drawing rule is applicable to the given figure (shape), i.e. this drawing rule "knows" how to draw it.
isApplicable(Object) - Method in interface net.algart.drawing3d.ShapingRule
Checks whether this shaping rule is applicable to the given object (item), i.e. this shaping rule "knows" which 3D shape describes this object.
isApplicable(Object) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.SimpleColoringRule
isApplicable(Shape3D, Object) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Sphere3DDrawingRule
isApplicable(Item, Item) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.EarthGravitationRule
isApplicable(Item, Item) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBallByBunkerWallInteractionRule
isApplicable(Item, Item) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBallsInteractionRule
isApplicable(Item, Item) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.InteractionRule
Checks whether this interaction type is applicable to the given items.
isApplicable(Item, Item) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.PhysicalMediumResistanceRule
isApplicable(Object) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.view.BunkerWallShapingRule
isApplicable(Object) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.view.SphereShapingRule
isCenterOutside(HavingCenter) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.BunkerWall
Returns true if and only if ax+by+cz<d, where (x,y,z) is the coordinate of the center of the specified item.
isConsoleDumpRequested() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
isErrorInformationAvailable() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
isErrorInformationAvailable() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns true if this implementation allows to estimate the maximal and mean error of calculating coordinates and velocities.
isErrorInformationAvailable() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
isFullyOutside(Spherical) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.BunkerWall
Returns true if and only if ax+by+czdr, where (x,y,z) is the coordinate of the center of the specified item and r is its radius.
isInfinite() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
isInfinite() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingCenter
Returns true if at least one of 3 coordinates of the item's center is Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.
isMouseStatusActive() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
isNaN() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
isNaN() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingCenter
Returns true if at least one of 3 coordinates of the item's center is NaN.
isPartiallyOutside(Spherical) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.BunkerWall
Returns true if and only if ax+by+cz<d+r, where (x,y,z) is the coordinate of the center of the specified item and r is its radius.
isRedrawRequested() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
isShowStatistics() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
isSomethingRequested() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
Item - Interface in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Abstract physical item: particle or another object in 3D space, which can interact with other items.
ItemListBuilder - Interface in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Builder of the item list, used for storing items by SimpleItemSet and GridItemSet classes.
ItemSet - Interface in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Simple collection (list) of indexed non-null items.


lock - Variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController


MAX_ANTIALIASING_SCALE - Static variable in class net.algart.drawing3d.SimpleDrawer3D
The maximal allowed value of antialiasingScale argument of getSimpleDrawer3D method: 2048.
maxLastCoordinateError() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
maxLastCoordinateError() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns the estimation of the maximal error of calculating coordinates while the previous MovementIntegrator.performIteration() call, if this implementation supports this feature, or Double.NaN in other case.
maxLastCoordinateError() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
maxLastVelocityError() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
maxLastVelocityError() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns the estimation of the maximal error of calculating velocities while the previous MovementIntegrator.performIteration() call, if this implementation supports this feature, or Double.NaN in other case.
maxLastVelocityError() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
meanLastCoordinateError() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
meanLastCoordinateError() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns the estimation of the average error of calculating coordinates while the previous MovementIntegrator.performIteration() call, if this implementation supports this feature, or Double.NaN in other case.
meanLastCoordinateError() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
meanLastVelocityError() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
meanLastVelocityError() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Returns the estimation of the average error of calculating velocities while the previous MovementIntegrator.performIteration() call, if this implementation supports this feature, or Double.NaN in other case.
meanLastVelocityError() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
model - Variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
modelImage - Variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
MovementIntegrator - Interface in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Movement integrator: the basic tool for integrating motion equations of the physical model, described by ItemSet object.
movementIntegrator - Variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
MovementIntegratorWrapper - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Wrapper, all method of which just call the same methods of some parent integrator.
MovementIntegratorWrapper(MovementIntegrator) - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
Creates new instance of this class.
movementStatusLine(MovingSpheresModel, long, long) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
MovingSpheresApplet - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement
Java applet, allowing to customize and view the model (in animation mode) in a browser.
MovingSpheresApplet() - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
MovingSpheresController - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement
A Swing component allowing to show the model, represented by MovingSpheresModel class, and to control it (change scale, rotate, cut) with mouse and keyboard.
MovingSpheresController(MovingSpheresView, Object, StatusShower) - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
MovingSpheresModel - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement
A simple physical model of moving and impacting elastic balls.
MovingSpheresModel(ParameterGetter) - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
MovingSpheresView - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement
A tool for drawing the model, represented by MovingSpheresModel class.
MovingSpheresView(ParameterGetter, int, int) - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView


n - Variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
The current size of itemSet, calculated while the last call of AbstractMovementIntegrator.preprocess() method.
net.algart.drawing3d - package net.algart.drawing3d
Simple, easily extendable draw toolkit for drawing 3D objects (figures).
net.algart.model3d.common.movement - package net.algart.model3d.common.movement
Example of using net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model and net.algart.model3d.common.movement.view packages: a ready-for-use simple physical model of moving and impacting elastic balls inside a rectangular bunker.
net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model - package net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Abstract physical model, describing movement of a set of interacting 3D particles (items).
net.algart.model3d.common.movement.view - package net.algart.model3d.common.movement.view
Set of implementations of ShapingRule interface, allowing to draw items, processed by net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model package.
newItemList() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ItemListBuilder
Creates new list of items.


Orientation3D - Class in net.algart.drawing3d
Orthonormal basis in 3D space: 3 orthogonal unit vectors i, j, k (usually describing the orientation of some 3D configuration in the space).


paint(Graphics) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
ParameterGetter - Interface in net.algart.model3d.common.movement
A tool for customizing the model and view, represented by MovingSpheresModel and MovingSpheresView classes, via text strings, in a Java-applet manner.
parent - Variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
The parent integrator, specified in the argument of the constructor.
performIteration() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
performIteration() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.EulerMovementIntegrator
performIteration() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Performs one iteration of integration.
performIteration() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
performIteration() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
PhysicalMedium - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Physical medium: an item which acts to any other item, which have a velocity, by PhysicalMediumResistanceRule interaction.
PhysicalMedium(double) - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.PhysicalMedium
Creates new physical medium with the specified resistance coefficient σ=resistanceCoefficient.
PhysicalMediumResistanceRule - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Interaction between the physical medium and any having velocity spherical item.
PhysicalMediumResistanceRule() - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.PhysicalMediumResistanceRule
Pixel3DDrawer - Interface in net.algart.drawing3d
Low-level tool for drawing one 3D pixel, used by DrawingRule.
PlanePolygon3D - Class in net.algart.drawing3d
Plane polygon, placed in 3D space.
PlanePolygon3D(double, double, double, double, double...) - Constructor for class net.algart.drawing3d.PlanePolygon3D
Creates new plane polygon: a polygonal area inside the plane ax+by+cz=d, restricted by a closed polyline with the vertices with coordinates verticeXYZ.
preprocess() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
Performs necessary preprocessing before an iteration, in particular, reallocate all necessary work memory.
preprocess() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.EulerMovementIntegrator
preprocess() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.GridItemSet
This implementation calls the same method of the superclass and then builds the grid, according to gridRangeStyle argument of the constructor.
preprocess() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ItemSet
Performs some preprocessing, which can optimize further ItemSet.getPossibleInteractingIndexes(int[], int) calls.
preprocess() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
preprocess() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.SimpleItemSet
This implementation allocates several Java arrays and stores there coordinates of centers and interaction radii of all items, which have centers and interaction radii (i.e. implement HavingInteractionRadius).
printAllItemsDump(MovingSpheresModel, PrintStream) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView


removeAll() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
removeAll() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
removeItems(int, int) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ItemSet
Removes all items with indexes fromIndex<=k<toIndex and shifts any subsequent items to the left (subtracts toIndex-fromIndex from their indexes).
removeItems(int, int) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.SimpleItemSet
requestConsoleDump() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
requestRedraw() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
resetCounters() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
resetCounters() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Resets to 0 all internal counters, returned by MovementIntegrator.getCounterOfProcessedItems(), MovementIntegrator.getCounterOfCheckedNeighbours(), MovementIntegrator.getCounterOfProcessedInteractions() and MovementIntegrator.getCounterOfProcessedSymmetricInteractions() methods.
resetCounters() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
resetRandSeed() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
resetRandSeed() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
RK4_MOVEMENT_INTEGRATOR - Static variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
RKF45_MOVEMENT_INTEGRATOR - Static variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
rotate(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Rotates this basis anticlockwise by the angle xAngle (in radians) around x-axis, then by angle yAngle (in radians) around y-axis, then by angle zAngle (in radians) around z-axis, and returns the result.
rotate(double, double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Rotates this basis by the specified angle (in radians) around the specified vector v=(vx,vyvz) anticlockwise and returns the result.
rotate(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
rotate(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
rotateI(double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Rotates this basis by the specified angle (in radians) around i vector anticlockwise and returns the result.
rotateJ(double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Rotates this basis by the specified angle (in radians) around j vector anticlockwise and returns the result.
rotateK(double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Rotates this basis by the specified angle (in radians) around k vector anticlockwise and returns the result.
RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
The general implementation of the MovementIntegrator interface, based on the family of explicit Runge-Kutta methods of any order for solving Cauchy problem.


screenHeight - Variable in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
The height of the (virtual) screen, specified in the constructor.
screenWidth - Variable in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
The width of the (virtual) screen, specified in the constructor.
set(int, Item) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ItemSet
Replaces the item with the given index (from 0 to ItemSet.size()−1) with the specified new one.
set(int, Item) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.SimpleItemSet
setAccelerationLimit(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
setAccelerationLimit(double) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Sets the acceleration limit Amax to the given value.
setAccelerationLimit(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
setAccelerationLimit(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setAntialiasingScale(int) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Sets the new current background color, used by Drawer3D.clearRect(int, int, int, int) method.
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
setBallDensity(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setBallDensity(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
setBallElasticityModulus(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setBallElasticityModulus(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
setBallFrictionCoefficient(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setBallFrictionCoefficient(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
setBunkerMaxX(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setBunkerMaxX(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
setBunkerMaxY(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setBunkerMaxY(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
setBunkerMaxZ(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setBunkerMaxZ(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
setBunkerMinX(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setBunkerMinX(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
setBunkerMinY(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setBunkerMinY(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
setBunkerMinZ(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setBunkerMinZ(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
setBunkerWallColor(String) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setCenter(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
setCenter(double, double, double) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingCenter
Sets all coordinates of the item's center.
setCenterX(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
setCenterX(double) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingCenter
Sets x-coordinate of the item's center.
setCenterY(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
setCenterY(double) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingCenter
Sets y-coordinate of the item's center.
setCenterZ(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
setCenterZ(double) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingCenter
Sets z-coordinate of the item's center.
setColor(Color) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.SimpleColoringRule
Sets the color, which will be returned by SimpleColoringRule.getColor(Object) method.
setColoringRules(Collection<ColoringRule>) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Sets the new set of coloring rules, used by this object.
setColoringRules(ColoringRule...) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Sets the new set of coloring rules, used by this object.
setCoordinatesOrigin(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setCoordinatesOrigin(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem3D) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Sets the new current coordinate system.
setDefaultPositionIJ() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setDefaultPositionIJ() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
setDefaultPositionIK() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setDefaultPositionIK() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
setDeltaT(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
setDeltaT(double) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Sets the current time Δt for one iteration of integration.
setDeltaT(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
setDeltaT(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setDensity(float) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
Sets the density ρ of this ball.
setDrawingRules(Collection<DrawingRule>) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Sets the new set of drawing rules, used by this object.
setDrawingRules(DrawingRule...) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Sets the new set of drawing rules, used by this object.
setEarthGravity(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setGamma(double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Sets the current γ, used for gamma-correction of the pixel brightness.
setGravity(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.Earth
Sets the acceleration of gravity g.
setItemColor(String) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setMediumResistanceCoefficient(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setMovementIntegrator(int) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setMovementIntegrator(int) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
setNumberOfParallelTasks(int) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
setNumberOfParallelTasks(int) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Sets the number of parallel threads, which should be used, if possible, for optimizing calculations on multiprocessor systems.
setNumberOfParallelTasks(int) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
setNumberOfParallelTasks(int) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setOrientation(Orientation3D) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Sets the new orientation: the orthonormal basis (i, j, k).
setOrientation(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setOrientation(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
setOrigin(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Sets the new origin O.
setRadius(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
Sets the radius of this ball.
setRandSeed(long) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setRandSeed(long) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresModel
setRefreshTime(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setResistanceCoefficient(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.PhysicalMedium
Sets the resistance coefficient σ.
setScale(double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Sets the scale σ.
setScale(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setScale(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
setShapingRules(Collection<ShapingRule>) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Sets the new set of shaping rules, used by this object.
setShapingRules(ShapingRule...) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Sets the new set of shaping rules, used by this object.
setShowStatistics(boolean) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
setT(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
setT(double) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Sets the current time t in the physical model.
setT(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
setT(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setVelocity(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
setVelocity(double, double, double) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingVelocity
Sets all components of the velocity of the item's center.
setVelocityLimit(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
setVelocityLimit(double) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Sets the velocity limit Vmax to the given value.
setVelocityLimit(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
setVelocityLimit(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setVelocityX(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
setVelocityX(double) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingVelocity
Sets x-component of the velocity of the item's center.
setVelocityY(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
setVelocityY(double) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingVelocity
Sets y-component of the velocity of the item's center.
setVelocityZ(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
setVelocityZ(double) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingVelocity
Sets z-component of the velocity of the item's center.
setViscousForces(boolean) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.AbstractMovementIntegrator
setViscousForces(boolean) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegrator
Sets the mode of viscous forces ("pseudo-Newton's" motion equations), if the argument is true, or the usual mode (standard Newton's laws), if the argument is false See comments to this interface for more details.
setViscousForces(boolean) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.MovementIntegratorWrapper
setViscousForces(boolean) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setZCut(double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
Sets the new current zcut limit.
setZCut(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
setZCut(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
setZCut(double) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresView
Shape3D - Interface in net.algart.drawing3d
Abstract 3D figure (shape), which can be drawn by this toolkit.
ShapingRule - Interface in net.algart.drawing3d
Shaping rule: the converter of an abstract object to 3D figure, that can be drawn by this toolkit.
showStatus(String) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.StatusShower
Requests that the argument string be displayed in the "status line".
SimpleColoringRule - Class in net.algart.drawing3d
Simple implementation of ColoringRule interface, which returns some given color for all inheritors of some given class.
SimpleColoringRule(Class<?>, Color) - Constructor for class net.algart.drawing3d.SimpleColoringRule
Creates new instance of this class.
SimpleDrawer3D - Class in net.algart.drawing3d
Simple full implementation of Drawer3D class, based on the traditional Z-buffer algorithm.
SimpleItemSet - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Simplest item set.
SimpleItemSet(ItemListBuilder) - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.SimpleItemSet
Creates new instance of this class.
SimpleItemSet() - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.SimpleItemSet
Creates new instance of this class, storing items in java.util.ArrayList.
size() - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ItemSet
Returns the number of items in this item list.
size() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.SimpleItemSet
Sphere3D - Class in net.algart.drawing3d
3D sphere.
Sphere3D(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.algart.drawing3d.Sphere3D
Creates new sphere with the given coordinates of the center and the radius.
Sphere3DDrawingRule - Class in net.algart.drawing3d
Algorithm of drawing 3D sphere (Sphere3D object).
Sphere3DDrawingRule() - Constructor for class net.algart.drawing3d.Sphere3DDrawingRule
SphereShapingRule - Class in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.view
Shaping rule, which converts a sperical item to a drawable 3D sphere.
SphereShapingRule() - Constructor for class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.view.SphereShapingRule
Spherical - Interface in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
Spherical item.
squareOfDistance(HavingCenter) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
squareOfDistance(HavingCenter) - Method in interface net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.HavingCenter
Returns the square of the distance between this item's center and the center of the specified item.
start() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
startMovement() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
statusShower - Variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController
StatusShower - Interface in net.algart.model3d.common.movement
A tool for showing status line by the component MovingSpheresController.
stop() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
stopMovement() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
superposition(Orientation3D) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns new basis, consisting of 3 vectors i''=ixi'+iyj'+izk', j''=jxi'+jyj'+jzk', k''=kxi'+kyj'+kzk', where i=(ix,iy,iz), j=(jx,jy,jz) and k=(kx,ky,kz) is this basis and i', j', k' is a basis, specified in the argument.
SymmetricInteractionRule - Interface in net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model
True interaction between two objects, according Newton's 3rd law.


toString() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Returns a brief string description of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns a brief string description of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.PlanePolygon3D
Returns a brief string description of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Sphere3D
Returns a brief string description of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.BunkerWall
Returns a brief string description of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.Earth
Returns a brief string description of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.ElasticBall
Returns a brief string description of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.EulerMovementIntegrator
Returns a brief string description of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.GridItemSet
Returns a brief string description of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.PhysicalMedium
Returns a brief string description of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.RungeKuttaMovementIntegrator
Returns a brief string description of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.SimpleItemSet
Returns a brief string description of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
transformX(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Returns the x-coordinate of the point, which has the given coordinates in terms of this coordinate system.
transformX(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns x-component of the vector xi+yj+zk.
transformY(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Returns the y-coordinate of the point, which has the given coordinates in terms of this coordinate system.
transformY(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns y-component of the vector xi+yj+zk.
transformZ(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.CoordinateSystem3D
Returns the z-coordinate of the point, which has the given coordinates in terms of this coordinate system.
transformZ(double, double, double) - Method in class net.algart.drawing3d.Orientation3D
Returns z-component of the vector xi+yj+zk.
tryStop(long) - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.GridItemSet.GridRangeStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.algart.model3d.common.movement.model.GridItemSet.GridRangeStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
view - Variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet
view - Variable in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresController


waitForSafeModeForChangingModel() - Method in class net.algart.model3d.common.movement.MovingSpheresApplet


zCut - Variable in class net.algart.drawing3d.Drawer3D
The current zcut limit, which will be passed to DrawingRule.draw method by Drawer3D.draw(java.util.Collection) method of this class.